Foundation Focus: Children and Young Adults

Children and Young Adults represent the future of our community. By providing the support and opportunities to enable our youngest citizens to thrive we will create a more vibrant community for all of our residents.

What we envision:

  • Children in Williamsburg will enter school ready to learn.
  • Educational enrichment opportunities will be available and affordable for local children.
  • Young adults will have opportunities for volunteering and employment in our community.

What we support:

  • Early childhood development.
  • Positive youth development through after school and summer enrichment programs.
  • Educational and therapeutic programs to enrich the quality of life for children and young adults with special needs.
  • Protecting children from abuse and neglect.

What we measure:

  • Number of children and young adults served compared to number of residents in that age group.
  • Types of opportunities offered.

What we know:

2016 National Kids Count Data Book
(Voices for Virginia’s Children)

Early Literacy Activities of Young Children
(National Center for Education Statistics)

Parents and the High Cost of Child Care: 2017
(Child Care Aware® of America)

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Virginia’s Housing in 10 Graphics (2017)

Virginia Child Protection and Accountability System
(Informing citizens about reported cases of child abuse and neglect in Virginia)

Virginia Department of Social Services
(Local DSS Profile Report: data on social services clients and caseload, social services spending, staffing, population and poverty estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, unemployment rate, non-marital and teen births for each of the 120 local departments of social services (LDSS). Also includes statewide and regional data on some indicators.)

The US and the High Price of Child Care: An Examination of a Broken System
(Child Care Aware® of America’s interactive Price of Child Care map allows you to actively engage and examine the average price and affordability of child care across states. This map shows the range in child care affordability for families with an infant in center-based child care.)

Community Health Needs Assessment 2021-2022 (Sentara Healthcare)

Quality Profiles (Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools) (this is a really cool data source – scroll thru the tabs and you can manipulate the charts)